17.09.2014 | ARTfi The Fine Art & FinanceConference in Berlin
Vorträge, Panels und Diskussionsrunden widmen sich der spezifischen Situation des Berliner Kunstmarktes, der Bedeutung von Kunst als Kapitalanlage, der Verantwortung von Sammlern sowie der Rolle von Museen in der Kunstlandschaft. Zu den hochkarätigen Referenten und Panel-Teilnehmern zählen unter anderem Alexander Forbes (artnet news), Philip Hoffman, (The Fine Art Fund), Christian Boros (Sammler), Lisa Zeitz (Weltkunst) und Noah Horowitz (Armory Show). Die Teilnahme an der ganztätigen Konferenz kostet 210 € (zzgl. MwSt.). Weitere Informationen www.artficonference.com.
Die Konferenz findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Host of the day
Rüdiger Schaper, Senior Editor of the Cultural Section, Der Tagesspiegel
9:45h-10:00h Opening words
Shiri Benartzi & Aya Shoham, Founders and Managers, Artfi
Burkhard Kieker, Chief Executive Officer, Visit Berlin
10:00h-10:45h The global art market 2014 – what's next?
Speaker: Dr. Clare MacAndrew, Founder and Managing Director, Arts Economics
10:45h-11:45h Spotlight on Private Collections
Moderator: Lisa Zeitz, Editor in Chief, Weltkunst
Participants:Christian Boros, Collector, Bunker Berlin, Sylvain Levy, Co-Founder, dslcollection, Philipp Dodd, Chairman, Made in China
12:15h-13:15h Art as a financial asset
Moderator: Alexander Forbes, European Market Editor, Artnet News
Participants:Serge Tiroche, Co-founder, Tiroche DeLeon Collection & Art Vantage PCC Limited, Philip Hoffman, Chief Executive, The Fine Art Fund Group, Shirin Kranz, Head of Art Loans, Privatbank Berlin, Pierre Naquin, Founder and CEO, A&F Markets
13:15h-14:15h Art Fairs - What Role Do They Play in Today´s Art Market?
Moderator: Dr. Eva Karcher, Art Market Expert, Journalist and Author
Participants:Lorenzo Rudolf, Founder, Co-owner and Director, Art Stage Singapore, Noah Horowitz, Executive Director, the Armory Show, New York, Conrado Uribe, Artistic Director of LOOP Festival 2014 and Content Manager of Talking
15:15h-16:15h Berlin - The Local Art Market
Moderator: Christiane Meixner, Art Market Editor, Der Tagesspiegel
Participants: Mehdi Chouakri, Owner, Mehdi Chouakri Gallery, Ivo Wessel, Software Developer, Collector, Dr. Thomas Köhler, Director, Berlinische Galerie
16:15h - 17:15h The Role of the Media in the Art World
Moderator: Jeni Fulton, Art Editor, Sleek Magazine
Participants: C. Cornell DeWitt, Vice President of Business Development, Artnet, Andrea Maier, Art Investor, Mary Lane, European Art Reporter, The Wall Street Journal
Breakout session room
12:45h-13:15h Berlin: The New Cool. Lessons about Art, Money and Sex Appeal
Alexandra von Stosch, Author, Curator and Cultural Advisor
13:30h-14:00h Different Legal Models in Art Funds and Collections
Dr. Pascal Decker, Partner and Lawyer, dtb rechtsanwälte
Dr. Lucas Elmenhorst, Lawyer and Art Historian, dtb rechtsanwälte
15:30h-16:00h The Challenges of Taxation in Global Art Collecting
Pierre Naquin, Founder and CEO, A&F Markets
16:15h-16:45h Contemporary Art Markets in Developing Markets - The Mergence of a New Collecting Category
Serge Tiroche, Co-Founder, Tiroche DeLeon Collection & Art Vantage PCC Limited